How to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise At Home. These tips will help you shed pounds safely and naturally while feeling energetic, without diet.
How to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise At Home |Â digitalskillsguide.comÂHow to Lose Weight Safely and Naturally Without Diet or Exercise At Home: 10 Proven Tips |
Losing weight too fast is dangerous for your health. 1-2 pounds (0.45-0.9 kilogram) is suggested to be the safe amount of weight to lose in a week. If you plan to lose more weight than that in a week, you should consult your doctor for more advice.
Fast weight loss comes with serious health concerns, and it needs bizarre efforts in exercise and dieting, which is not safe for your health. Quick weight-loss comes with a demanding lifestyle to maintain for a long time.
How to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise At Home Table of Contents
How to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise At Home
1. Eat Plenty of Fruit and Vegetables
Eat more vegetables by ensuring that 50% of your plate contains vegetables in all your meals.
Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and low in calories and fat, suitable for weight. Plenty availability of vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables also help to maintain a good healthy weight.
I can assure you fruits and vegetables work wonders when trying to lose weight. I once tried to lose weight by eating many fruits and vegetables and consuming a tiny portion of carbohydrates; the result was beautiful. Within a month, I shed off 11.023 pounds (5 kilograms). Watermelon was the most significant portion of all my meals.
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2. Reorganize Your Plate and Trim Your Portion
You can trim your portion by switching to a smaller plate, which will help you reduce your saving size and help you consume a smaller amount. You can reduce your portion size by 10%-20% or even more and drink more water, especially before a meal.
In reorganizing your plate, ensure that vegetables occupy 50% of your container, 25% lean protein, and the remaining 25% whole grains.
With time, you will eat small portions and reorganized plates, which help you maintain a healthy weight.
3. Drink Plenty of Water the Whole Day and Before Meals
When you drink at least two glasses of water before meals, it helps you feel full and reduce your calorie intake, resulting in weight loss by taking low calories.
Water can make you feel satisfied and the good thing is, it doesn't contain any calories, which is a good thing to maintain a healthy weight. If you find it hard taking plain water, you can add a slice of lemon or lime.
Drinking water to ensure you're hydrated the whole day will make you fill full most of the time, plus speeding your metabolism while benefiting in detoxification. Water is considered a detoxifier as it helps remove toxins from your body.
If you feel bored drinking a lot of water, you can choose fruits with high water content like watermelon, cucumber, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, etc. The good thing with these fruits is that they make you hydrated, add you vitamins and minerals, are full of fiber, and make you stay full, which will help you lose weight.
4.  Eat Plenty of Protein
High protein foods make you feel satisfied for a long time and reduce your cravings. Protein has the tendency of causing hormone peptide YY, GLP-1, and cholecystokinin to rise, which are satiety hormones. Also, protein causes the ghrelin hormone to decrease, which is the hunger hormone making you feel satisfied for a long time. Therefore, when the satiety hormone rises and the hunger hormone decreases, you will feel satisfied for a long time during the day and reduce your cravings, resulting in reduced weight.
To ensure you remain satisfied for a long time during the day, ensure you take enough protein-rich foods in your breakfast like eggs, beans, meat, seafood, nuts, or low-fat yogurt.
How to Lose Weight Safely and Naturally Without Diet or Exercise At Home: 10 Proven Tips |
5.  Eat High Fiber Foods and Keep Away From Refined Carbohydrates
Higher fiber foods help you to lose weight because they take a bit longer to be digested, so they can make you feel satisfied for a longer time. That’s why it’s advised to take whole grains because the longer time they take to be digested helps you burn the stored fats, resulting in reduced weight.
Examples of fiber-rich foods are fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains cereals, barley, brown rice, nuts and seeds, oats, and rye.
Refined carbohydrates digest very fast and convert to glucose fast, which results in increased weight, thus why it’s advised to keep away from carbonated drinks, fast food, and the like.
How to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise At Home
6.  Warm Lemon Water in the Morning
Warm lemon water is among the proven ways of weight loss. Warm lemon water in the morning refreshes your body, boost metabolism, keeps you satiated, and full, which helps you to reduce your food intake and results in weight loss.
Lemon water will also help keep you hydrated and boost your metabolism, which benefits weight loss while adding your health nutrient, vitamin C.
7.  Cut Down on Sugary Drinks and Foods
Cutting down on sugary drinks and foods is among the easiest methods to lose weight quickly while benefiting your heart health and keeping the risk of diabetes at bay.
 Research suggests that reducing or stopping to take sugar-sweetened beverages like sodas, snacks, desserts, or sauces helps you lose weight.
How to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise At Home
8.  Get Enough Sleep or Enough Z’s
Research suggests that sleeping less than 5-6 hours per night is not suitable for your health. A sleepless night lowers your metabolism, which causes your body to store unconsumed energy as fat which will cause you to gain extra weight.
Lack of enough time to sleep causes the hunger hormone ghrelin to increase and satisfaction hormone leptin, which sends signals to the brain that you're full to decrease, which will cause you to overeat, hence gain more weight.
Poor quality sleep is also associated with increased production of cortisol and insulin hormones that hasten the storage of fat, which will cause your weight to increase.
When you get enough quality sleep, you help your body rest, repair, and refresh, allowing the hormones to balance, hence controlling your weight.
9.  Avoid Stress
When you’re stressed, your body releases the cortisol hormone, which can remain in your bloodstream if you're getting stressed for a long time. This cortisol hormone in your bloodstream tends to elevate your appetite, which will result in overeating and causing you to gain more weight.
You can control your stress by letting go of the past, forgiving more, spending a good time with family and friends, practicing yoga and meditation, and stopping procrastination by prioritizing your to-do list. You can also spend a good time outdoors in nature by walking around or gardening.
10.  Mindfully Eating
Mindful eating is when you pay attention to where and how you eat your food. You can pay attention by eating your food slowly and chewing thoroughly and slowly. Eating your food mindful will make you feel full faster and elevate your weight-reducing hormones. When your weight-reducing hormones are boosted, they will help you maintain a healthy weight.
You can practice mindful eating by doing the following; sitting down, eating slowly, concentrating on your food during mealtime, consider choosing nourishing nutrient foods that satisfy you for a long time, avoiding distraction during meal times like TV, mobile phone, or playing games.
 How to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise At Home