CICanTanzania is currently seeking for a competent candidate to fill the Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Baseline Survey Consultancy.
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CICanTanzania New Job Vacancy: Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Baseline Survey Consultancy
New Job Opportunities at CICanTanzania - Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Baseline Survey Consultancy
Colleges and Institutes Canada
Job Details
Empowerment through Skills Program (ESP)
ESP has a short-term consultancy requirement for a firm specialized in Monitoring & Evaluation and having experienced enumerators to collect baseline data.
The budget available for the consultancy is TZS63,748,092 / USD 27,500
Colleges and Institutes Canada is implementing a Government of Canada funded development project in partnership with Tanzania’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
The Empowerment through Skills Program (ESP) is a 7-year program (2021-2028) implemented by Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) in close collaboration with Tanzania’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MOEST) through the Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (DTVET). The ESP is funded by the Government of Canada.
The ESP will strengthen alternative pathways to education, employment, self-employment and entrepreneurship for women and adolescent girls. Working with Folk Development Colleges (FDCs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in 12 Communities across Tanzania, ESP aims to increase rates of participation among women and adolescent girls in skills training programs and improve access to business, skills, and gender and human rights training in their communities. The Program will also expand opportunities in the informal and formal sectors through post-training support to transition to employment or self-employment.
ESP has a short-term consultancy requirement for a firm specialized in Monitoring & Evaluation and having experienced enumerators to collect baseline data in 12 program areas including Morogoro Municipality, Muheza, Kondoa, Monduli, Nzega, Singida, Biharamulo, Tarime TC, Kasulu, Mpanda,Kilwa and Njombe TC.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified Tanzanian consultancy firms specialized in Monitoring & Evaluation. Consultancy firms should ideally meet the following requirements:
- Proven and extensive experience in conducting baseline studies and surveys.
- Â Proven experience in quality control during quantitative data collection.
- Â Experience with digital data collection tools (ONA, ODK, or similar).
- Â Good understanding of and proven experience with working around youth, women and adolescent girls, and teenage mothers.
- Excellent English writing skills.
- Â Experience in working across all regions in TanzaniaÂ
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Submissions should be limited to 15 pages and include the following documents:
- Â Research Institution/company profile
- Â Summary of the academic qualifications and experience of the supervisory team and the enumerators to be used to collect the data for Tool 1: Graduate Survey and Tool 2: Community Survey. The enumerators are expected to have a minimum of an undergraduate degree and to be fully fluent in English and Swahili.
- Experience: summary of a sample of relevant previous work implemented by the consultant(s) / company
- A plan underlining how the consultant(s) intends to implement the data collection.
- Detailed timetable and budget breakdown for the collecting the data.
The data collection tools (surveys) will be provided by ESP.
If necessary, ESP can provide tablets with the necessary software to assist with the data collection. The tablets will need to be returned to ESP at the end of the consultancy and before the final payment is made.
The data for Tool 1: Graduate Surveycan be collected by phone or face to face. ESP will provide a list of the graduates for each of the 12 FDCs and provisional contact information.
The sample survey population for data collection is set at 389 graduates (162 female and 227 male graduates) for the graduate survey, in order to achieve a margin of error of plus or minus 5% and a p-value of 95%. If graduates are under 18 years of age, it will be necessary to obtain parental or guardian consent for undertaking the survey.
The data for Tool 2: Community Surveywill be collected face to face in the wards and villages listed in the following table. The sample survey population for the data collection is set at 600 (300 female, 300 male)
The community survey is targeted at the household-level. Data will be collected from households in the communities that are intended to be a target for ESP activities.
In each of the 12 targeted FDC areas, five clusters (10 surveys per cluster) will be selected and a total of 50 household surveys will need to be completed in each targeted community. Ultimately, this will result in a final sample of 600 surveys (300 female, 300 male).
1)An interim report on the status of the field work submitted to CICan by June 15, 2022.
2)The fieldwork data collection for Tool 1 and Tool 2 completed by June 30, 2022.
3)The data collected for Tool 1 and Tool 2 submitted to CICan by July 15, 2022
4)A short final report on the field work data submitted to CICan on July 22, 2022.
The budget proposal should include the following provisions:
- The expected cost for enumerators to collect the sample survey population data for Tool 1: Graduation Survey. The deliverable is 389 graduates (162 female and 227 male graduates). The data can be collected by phone or face to face. While ESP will provide a list of the graduates for each of the 12 FDCs and provisional contact information, the response rate for phone calls can be low and follow up phone calls and communication with the FDCs may be required.
- The expected cost for enumerators to collect the sample survey population data for Tool 2: Community Survey. The deliverable is 600 surveys (300 female, 300 male). The data will be collected face-to-face in the wards and villages / streets identified in the table.
Note that for both Tool 1 and Tool 2, female enumerators will be required to collect the data from female participants and male enumerators will be required to collect the date from the male participants.
- The cost of local transport for the enumerators during the face-to-face data collection for Tool 2: Community Survey.
- The cost of calling time and airtime for the graduate surveys.
- The cost of 3 days for the enumerators to attend a training workshop in Dar es Salaam. The workshop venue and agenda will be organized by ESP.
- Administrative and supervisory overhead for the consulting firm including the cost of local travel.
All application should be submitted electronically through [email protected] and copy to [email protected] with a subject line PROPOSAL FOR THE CONSULTANT SERVICE.
Please Note: Only shortlisted Consultant Firms will be contacted for the interview.
ESP is concerned about Gender Equality therefore women owned Consultant Firms are more encouraged to apply.
For further details of the requirements, interested and qualified applicants are invited to contact.
Mr. Emmanuel Kimea
Finance & Administration Officer
Empowerment through Skills Program (ESP)
Email: [email protected]
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