Viwango vya Mishahara Serikalini 2022. Many Tanzanians and workers are more concerned about basic information about salary slip. Based on the...
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Viwango vya Mishahara Serikalini 2022 |
Viwango vya Mishahara Serikalini 2022
Viwango vya Mishahara Serikalini 2022
viwango vya mishahara Afya 2022 Many Tanzanians and workers are more concerned about basic information about salary slip. Based on the proliferation of technology.
The Ministry of Finance and Planning has developed a special system for staffing issues portal salary slip 2022 download, salary slip portal 2022 Tanzania download, tras 4 salary scale and view salary slip download.
Welcome to this important page that will help you to achieve Salary Slip easily. it will also let you know how to get your password easily.
This article is also about Salary Slip Portal Register, Salary Slip Login 2022/2023, Jinsi Ya Kupata Salary Slip, Salary slip online form, Download Salary Slip Tanzania. A salary slip also known as a payslip is provided to employees to record their monthly pay and allowances.
It is a document that makes the employees aware of their incomes and deductions as it would differ from employee to employee. In this article.
Tanzania Government Through the Ministry of Finance and Planning (MOF) has developed an e-government portal which allows all public workers to access their monthly salaries slips online through the platform known as Salary Slips Portal.
What you need is just to Register if you never registered, or to Sign in if you have an account.
To get a Salary Certificate you need to register on the WATUMISHI Portal system. On this WATUMISHI system, you will be able to access your service information.
Things to consider:
- Know Your Full Names
- Make sure you have an email if you don’t have to open it
- Know a number of Your CHECK NO.
Portal Register And Login
This system provides a totally new way for Tanzanian government employee to apply Payslip online. The online payslip service can be utilized in many ways.
To access your online payslips, you must first register and provide an email address. You can get your payslip through the following.
How To Register In Salary Slip Portal
Membership Registration Form (Government Employee Only)
- Ensure all your information are the same as in Lawson System
- If you are not sure of your details, please contact your HR Officer
- For further assistance contact +255262160000
Field with * is required
Read Also:
Required information for registration
- Check number
- Your names
- Date of birth
- Vote (for example 88Z2)
- Subvote (eg 5007)
- Account your bank account
- Salary Scale (full of TGTS, TGS, n.k)
- Salary Grade (filling B, C, D, E, e.g.)
- Salary Step (will fill 1,2,3 nk)When Successfully registered then you will be redirected to the next page to fill it out
- Phone number
- email address
- Password
Click Here Salary slip portal register 2022/2023
How To Login In Salary slip Portal
To Login in the System must have only two things namely
Check number or username
Click Here Salary slip portal login 2022/2023
How To reset password
Let see how you can get back your Account after Forget your password that must use to Login in to the System
Make sure you have your Register Email Address that you will you use to reset your password. This Email Address, for example, [email protected] must be sent to the system by clicking here Forgot Password?
As you can see image above direct you where to write your Email address the click send password so as to get your password to Login in the Salary slip Portal account
Government Salary Slip Portal system
You can also access your salary document by using the new Government Salary system where you sign up.
In this System the focus items are:
- Check the mtumishi number
- Full names as per HCMIS Human Resources system such as Lawson.
- Date of birth
- Vote Code, Sub Vote Code, Bank Account where you got your salary.
- Know Salary Scale, Salary Grade and Salary Step.
- An active Email.
You access it through the links below:-
To register Click
to sign in for the Government Salary Slip Portal subscribers Click
For Further Assistance Contact :
About The Ministry Of Finance Tanzania
High and equitable economic growth, macro-economic stability, sound financial management and accountability achieved and sustained.
To promote sustainable and shared economic growth, macro-economic stability through developing robust social-economic policies prudent financial management, enhancing professionalism and optimal use of ICT
The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs is a central Ministry responsible for mobilisation and allocation of financial resources, formulation of fiscal and monetary policies, control, and accounting for public finances. Additionally, it is a custodian of government assets and finally, responsible for servicing of the public debt. In brief, our core functions include:-
- Revenue collection and expenditure management
- Formulation of fiscal and monetary policies and strategies
- Mobilization and management of External resources
- Management of government property and public investments.
Salary Slip portal provides a totally new way for Tanzanian government employees to apply Payslip online. The online payslip service can be utilized in many ways.
To access your online payslips, you must first register and provide an email address.
You can get your payslip through the following links
- Salary slip portal login
- Salary slip portal register
- Salary slip portal Tanzania
- Salary slip portal this month
- Government salary slip portal
- Salary slip portal forgot password
- Kupata hati ya Mshahara (Salary slip Portal)
Physical Address
Our Offices are located at the corner of Madaraka Avenue, Luthuli and Shabaan Robert Streets in Dar es Salaam and we are open from to 07.30 to 15.30 on weekdays and to the public from 09.00. Our Postal Address is:
The Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs,
PO Box 9111,
Dar es Salaam.
Telephone: (+255) 022 2111174-6
Fax: (+255) 022 2110326
Email: [email protected]
Viwango vya Mishahara Serikalini 2022 | Tanzania salary scale 2022 pdf
The Public Service Commission (PSC) is established under the Public Service Act No. 8 of 2002 (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), and became operational on 7th January, 2004.
The establishment of the PSC is amongst the efforts to implement the Public Service Management and Employment Policy of 1998 (revised 2008) and Public Service Act No. 8 of 2002 as amended in 2007.
The main responsibility of the PSC is to ensure that Appointing and Disciplinary Authorities in the Public Service comply with HR Rules, regulations and procedures when performing their duties and to receive and act on appeals from the decisions of other public bodies and disciplinary authorities. See also Nafasi za Kazi Mkoa wa Arusha 2022 | Jobs in Arusha 2022.
In implementing the above policy framework, Public Service institutions are to adopt Management and employment policy principles which will enable them to make the best use of scarce Human Resources through efficient and effective recruitment, promotion and discipline their staff, among others.
The Public Service Commission shall have stronger and more independent role in safeguarding the common principles and standards that underpin this policy.
The PSC has replaced three (3) Service Commissions, each being responsible for a particular Service, namely:
- The Teachers’ Service Commission
- The Local Government Service Commission
- The Civil Service Commission
How much money does a person working in Tanzania make?A person working in Tanzania typically earns around 1,260,000 TZS per month.
Salaries range from 319,000 TZS (lowest average) to 5,640,000 TZS (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).
This is the averae monthly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits. Salaries vary drastically between different careers. If you are interested in the salary of a particular job, see below for salaries for specific job titles.
Salary Range
Salaries in Tanzania range from 319,000 TZS per month (minimum salary) to 5,640,000 TZS per month (maximum average salary, actual maximum is higher).
Median Salary
The median salary is 1,310,000 TZS per month, which means that half (50%) of the population are earning less than 1,310,000 TZS while the other half are earning more than 1,310,000 TZS. The median represents the middle salary value. Generally speaking, you would want to be on the right side of the graph with the group earning more than the median salary.
Closely related to the median are two values: the 25th and the 75th percentiles. Reading from the salary distribution diagram, 25% of the population are earning less than 735,000 TZS while 75% of them are earning more than 735,000 TZS.
Also from the diagram, 75% of the population are earning less than 3,610,000 TZS while 25% are earning more than 3,610,000 TZS.
Both are indicators. If your salary is higher than both of the average and the median then you are doing very well.
If your salary is lower than both, then many people are earning more than you and there is plenty of room for improvement.
If your wage is between the average and the median, then things can be a bit complicated. We wrote a guide to explain all about the different scenarios. How to compare your salary.
The experience level is the most important factor in determining the salary. Naturally the more years of experience the higher the wage.
Geneally speaking, employees having experience from two to five years earn on average 32% more than freshers and juniors across all industries and disciplines.
Professionals with experience of more than five years tend to earn on average 36% more than those with five years or less of work experience.
Change in salary based on experience varies drastically from one location to another and depends hugely on the career field as well.
The data displayed here is the combined average of many different jobs. To view accurate figures, choose a specific job title.
As you hit the ten years mark, the salary increases by 21% and an additional 14% for those who have crossed the 15 years mark.
Those figures are presented as guidelines only. The numbers become more significant if you consider one job title at a time.
It is well known that higher education equals a bigger salary, but how much more money can a degree add to your income? We compared the salaries of professionals at the same level but with different college degrees levels across many jobs, below are our findings.
Change in salary based on education varies drastically from one location to another and depends hugely on the career field as well. The data displayed here is the combined average of multiple jobs. To view accurate figures, choose a specific job title.
Workers with a certificate or diploma earn on average 17% more than their peers who only reached the high school level.
Employees who earned a Bachelor’s Degree earn 24% more than those who only managed to attain a cerificate or diploma.
Professionals who attained a Master’s Degree are awarded salaries that are 29% more than those with a Bachelor’s Degree.
Finally, PhD holders earn 23% more than Master’s Degree holders on average while doing the same job.
Is a Master’s degree or an MBA worth it? Should you pursue higher education?
A Master’s degree program or any post-graduate program in Tanzania costs anywhere from 6,310,000 Tanzanian Shilling(s) to 18,900,000 Tanzanian Shilling(s) and lasts approximately two years. That is quite an investment.
You can’t really expect any salary increases during the study period, assuming you already have a job. In most cases, a salary review is conducted once education is completed and the degree has been attained.Many people pursue higher education as a tactic to switch into a higher paying job.
The numbers seem to support this tactic. The average increase in compensation while changing jobs is approximately 10% more than the customary salary increment.
The decision really depends on your situation and experience among many other factors. Putting all variables aside, if you can afford the costs of higher education then the return on investment is definitely worth it. You should be able to recover the costs in roughly a year or so.
viwango vya mishahara tanzania | Tanzania salary scale 2022 pdf
Tanzania Revised pay scales with effect from 2014 for General Service grades. In 2014 , the Government implemented new Salary Scales, The Tanzania civil service has a common pay and grading system. This means that all departments and offices have the same approach to grading, with pay levels in respect of each grade determined centrally.
it includes salary ranges for viwango vya mishahara tanesco,viwango vya mishahara kwa walimu, viwango vya mishahara tra 2022 and viwango vya mishahara tanroads.
TGOS A 1. (Sh240,000), TGOS A 2. (Sh245,600), TGOS A 3. (Sh251,200), TGOS A 4. (Sh256,800), TGOS A 5. (Sh262,400), TGOS A 6. (Sh268,000), TGOS A 7.(Sh272,000), TGOS A 8(Sh279,000), TGOS A 9.(Sh284,800), TGOS A 10(Sh290,400), TGOS A 11(Sh296,000), TGOS A 12(Sh301,600), TGOS A 13(Sh 307,200), TGOS A 14(Sh312,800), TGOS A 15(Sh 318,400), TGOS A 16(Sh324,000), TGOS A 17(Sh329,600) na TGOS A 18(Sh335,200).
TGOS B 1. (Sh347,000), TGOS B 2. (Sh356,500) TGOS B 3 . (Sh366,000), TGOS B 4 . (Sh375,500), TGOS B 5. (Sh385,000), TGOS B 6. (Sh394,500), TGOS B 7. (Sh404,000), TGOS B 8. (Sh413,500), TGOS B 9. (Sh423,000), TGOS B 10. (Sh432,500), TGOS B 11 . (Sh442,000) na TGOS B 12. (Sh451,500)TGOS C
. (Sh471,000), TGOS C 2 . (Sh482,000), TGOS C 3 . (Sh493,000), TGOS C 4. (Sh504,000), TGOS C 5. (Sh515,000), TGOS C 6. (Sh526,000), TGOS C 7. (Sh537,000), TGOS C 8. (Sh548,000), TGOS C 9. (Sh559,000), TGOS C 10. (Sh570,000), TGOS C 11. (Sh581,000) na TGOS C 12. (Sh592,000).
Mshahara Watumshi wa serikali wenye taaluma mbalimbali – viwango vya mishahara tanzania
TGS A 1. (Sh249,000), TGS A 2. (Sh255,600), TGS A 3. (Sh262,200 ), TGS A 4. (Sh268,800 ), TGS A 5. (Sh275,400), TGS A 6. (Sh282,000), TGS A 7. (Sh288,600 ), na TGS A 8. (Sh295,200).
TGS B 1. (Sh311,000), TGS B 2. (Sh319,500), TGSB 3. (Sh328,000), TGS B 4. (Sh336,500), TGS B 5. (Sh345,000), TGS B 6. (Sh353,500), TGS B 7. (Sh362,000), TGS B 8. (Sh370,000), TGS B 9. (Sh379,000) na TGS B 10. (Sh 387,500).
TGS C 1. (Sh410,000), TGS C 2. (Sh420,000), TGS C 3. (Sh430,000), TGS C 4. (Sh440,000), TGS C 5. (Sh450,000), TGS C 6. (Sh460,000), TGS C 7. (Sh470,000) na TGS C 8. (Sh480,000). TGS C 9. (Sh490,000), TGS C 10. (Sh500,000), TGS C 11. (Sh510,000), TGS C 12. (Sh520,000).
tgs d salary scale 2022
TGS D 1. (Sh567,000), TGS D 2. (Sh578,500), TGS D 3. (Sh590,000), TGS D 4. (Sh601,500), TGS D 5. (Sh613,000), TGS D 6. (Sh 624,500), TGS D 7. (Sh636,000), TGS D 8. (Sh647,500), TGS D 9. (Sh659,000), TGS D 10. (Sh 670,500), TGS D 11. (Sh 682,000),na TGS D 12. (Sh 693,500).
TGS E 1. (Sh751,000), TGS E 2. (Sh766,500), TGS E 3. (Sh782,000), TGS E 4. (Sh797,500), TGS E 5. (Sh813,000), TGS E 6. (Sh828,500), TGS E 7. (Sh844,000), TGS E 8. (Sh859,500), TGS E 9. (Sh875,000), TGS E 10. (Sh890,500), TGS E 11. (Sh906,000), na TGS E 12. (Sh912,500).
TGS F 1. (Sh1,003,000 ), TGS F 2. (Sh 1,022,400), TGS F 3. (Sh 1,044,800), TGS F 4. (Sh1,061,200), TGS F 5. (Sh 1,080,600), TGS F 6. (Sh1,100,000), TGS F 7. (Sh1,119,400), TGS F 8. (Sh 1,138,800), TGS F 9. (Sh 1,158,200), TGS F 10. (Sh1,177,600), na TGS F 11. (Sh 1,197,000) TGS F 12. (Sh 1,216,400).
TGS G 1. (Sh 1,299,000), TGS G 2. (Sh 1,324,500), TGS G 3. (Sh 1,350,000), TGS G 4. (Sh 1,375,500), TGS G 5. (Sh 1,401,000), TGS G 6. (Sh 1,426,500), TGS G 7. (Sh 1,452,000), TGS G 8. (Sh 1, 477,500), TGS G 9. (Sh 1,503,000), TGS G 10. (Sh 1,528,500), TGS G 11. (Sh 1,554,000), na TGS G 12. (Sh 1,579,500).
TGS H 1. (Sh 1,672,000), TGS H 2. (Sh 1,722,000), TGS H 3. (Sh 1,772,000), TGS H 4. (Sh 1,822,000), TGS H 5. (Sh 1,872,000), TGS H 6. (Sh 1,922,000), TGS H 7. (Sh 1,972,000), TGS H 8. (Sh 2,022,000), TGS H 9. (Sh2,072,000), TGS H 10. (Sh 2,122,000), TGS H 11. (Sh 2,172,000) na TGS H 12. (Sh 2,222,000).
TGS I-1. (Sh2,317,000), TGS I-2.(Sh 2,413,000), TGS I-3. (Sh 2,509,000) na TGS I-4.(Sh 2,605,000).
TGHS I (Sh 2,800,000).
TGHS J (Sh 2,900,000)TGHS K
(Sh 3,100,000)
TGHS L (Sh 3,400,000)
Mshahara Watumishi wa Mahakama
TJS 1.1. (Sh 510,000), TJS 1.2. (Sh 535,000), TJS 1.3. (Sh 560,000), TJS 1.4. (Sh 585,000), TJS 1.5. (Sh 610,000), na TJS 1.6. (Sh 635,000) na TJS 1.7. (Sh 660,000).
TJS 2.1. (Sh 770,000), TJS 2.3. (Sh 805,000), TJS 2.3. (Sh 840,000), TJS 2.4. (Sh 875,000), TJS 2.5. (Sh 910,000), TJS 2.6. (Sh 945,000), na TJS 2.7. (Sh 980,000).
TJS 3.1. (Sh 1,075,000), TJS 3.2. (Sh 1,115,000), TJS 3.3. (Sh 1,155,000), TJS 3.4. (Sh 1,195,000), TJS 3.5. (Sh 1,235,000), TJS 3.6. (Sh 1,275,000), na TJS 3.7. (Sh 1,315,000).
TJS 4.1. (Sh1,420,000), TJS 4.2. (Sh 1,470,000), TJS 4.3. (Sh 1,520,000), TJS 4.4. (Sh 1,570,000), TJS 4.5. (Sh 1,620,000), TJS 4.6. (Sh 1,670,000), na TJS 4.7. (Sh 1,720,000).
TJS 5.1. (Sh 1,805,000), TJS 5.2. (Sh1,875,000), TJS 5.3. (Sh 1,945,000), TJS 5.4. (Sh 2,015,000), TJS 5.5. (Sh 2,085,000), na TJS 5.6. (Sh 2,155,000).
TJS 6.1. (Sh 2,250,000), TJS 6.2. (Sh 2,350,000), TJS 6.3. (Sh 2,450,000), TJS 6.4. (Sh 2,550,000), na TJS 6.5. (Sh 2,650,000).
TJS 7 (Sh 3,560,000)
TJS 8. (Sh 4,050,000)
TJS 9. (Sh 4,480,000)
TJS 10TJS 10 (Sh 4,600,000)
Mshahara Watumishi wa Ofisi ya Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali
AGCS 1.1. (Sh 360,000), AGCS 1.2. (Sh 380,000), AGCS 1.3. (Sh 400,000), AGCS 1.4. (Sh 420,000), AGCS 1.5. (Sh 440,000), AGCS 1.6. (Sh 460,000), AGCS 1.7 (Sh 480,000).
AGCS 2.1.(Sh 510,000), AGCS 2.2.(Sh 534,700), AGCS 2.3.(Sh 559,000), AGCS 2.4.(Sh 584,100), AGCS 2.5.(Sh 608,800), AGCS 2.6.(Sh 633,500), AGCS 2.7.(Sh 658,200).
AGCS 3.1.(Sh770,000), AGCS 3.2.(Sh 802,000), AGCS 3.3.(Sh 834,000), AGCS 3.4.(Sh 866,000), AGCS 3.5.(Sh 898,000), AGCS 3.6.(Sh 930,000), na AGCS 3.7.(Sh 962,000).
AGCS 4.1.(Sh 1,075,000), AGCS 4.2.(Sh 1,113,000), AGCS 4.3.(Sh 1,151,000), AGCS 4.4.(Sh 1,189,000), AGCS 4.5.(Sh 1,227, 000), AGCS 4.6.(Sh 1,265,000), AGCS 4.7.(Sh 1,303,000).
AGCS 5.1.(Sh 1,420,000), AGCS 5.2.(Sh 1,464,000), AGCS 5.3.(Sh 1,508,000), AGCS 5.4.(Sh 1,552,000), AGCS 5.5.(Sh 1,596,000), AGCS 5.6.(Sh 1640,000), AGCS 5.7.(Sh 1,684,000).AGCS 6
AGCS 6.1.(Sh 1,805,000), AGCS 6.2.(Sh 1,867,000), AGCS 6.3.(Sh 1,929,000), AGCS 6.4.(Sh 1,991,000), AGCS 6.5.(Sh 2,053,000), na AGCS 6.6.(Sh 2,115,000).
AGCS 7.1.(Sh 2,240,000), AGCS 7.2.(Sh 2,329,000), AGCS 7.3.(Sh 2,418,000), AGCS 7.4.(Sh 2,507,000), na AGCS 7.5.(Sh 2,596,000)
AGCS 8(Sh 3,020,000)
AGCS 9(Sh3,560,000)
AGCS 10 (Sh 4,230,000)
AGCS 11(Sh 4,485,000)AGCS 12
AGCS 12 (Sh 5,000,000)
AGCS 13(Sh 5,580,000)
Mshahara Wafanyakazi wanaofanya utafiti wa kilimo na mifugo
TGRS A 1. (Sh 916,000), TGRS A 2. (Sh926,500), TGRS A 3. (Sh 937,000), TGRS A 4. (Sh 947,500), TGRS A 5. (Sh 958,000), TGRS A 6. (Sh 968,500), TGRS A 7. (Sh 979,000), na TGRS A 8. (Sh 989,500).
TGRS B 1. (Sh 1,060,000), TGRS B 2. (Sh 1,072,700), TGRS B 3. (Sh 1,085,400), TGRS B 4. (Sh 1,098,100), TGRS B 5. (Sh 1,110,800), TGRS B 6. (Sh 1,123,500), TGRS B 7. (Sh 1,136,200), na TGRS B 8. (Sh 1,148,900).
TGRS C 1. (Sh 1,252,000), TGRS C 2. (Sh 1,268,400), TGRS C 3. (Sh 1,284,800), TGRS C 4. (Sh 1,301,200), TGRS C 5. (Sh 1,317,600), TGRS C 6. (Sh 1,334,000),TGRS C 7. (Sh 1,350,400), na TGRS C 8. (Sh 1,366,800).
TGRS D 1. (Sh 1,473,000),TGRS D 2. (Sh 1,495,000), TGRS D 3. (Sh 1,517,000), TGRS D 4. (Sh 1,539,000), TGRS D 5. (Sh 1,561,000), TGRS D 6. (Sh 1,583,000), TGRS D 7. (Sh 1,605,000), na TGRS D 8. (Sh 1,627,000).
TGRS E 1. (Sh 1,736,000), TGRS E 2. (Sh 1,774,500), TGRS E 3. (Sh 1,813,000), TGRS E 4. (Sh 1,851,500), TGRS E 5. (Sh 1,890,000), TGRS E 6. (Sh 1,928,500), TGRS E 7. (Sh 1,967,000), na TGRS E 8. (Sh 2,005,500).
TGRS F 1. (Sh 1,114,000), TGRS F 2. (Sh 2,183,000), TGRS F 3. (Sh 2,252,000), na TGRS F 4. (Sh 2,321,000).
TGRS G 1. (Sh 2,440,000), TGRS G 2. (Sh 2,522,000), na TGRS G 3. (Sh 2,604,000).
TGRS H (Sh 2,950,000)
TGRS I (Sh 3,100,000)
Wafanyakazi Ofisi ya Bunge kada ya masharti (operational service) – mishahara mipya 2021/2022
PSOS A.1. (Sh 240,000), PSOS A.2. (Sh 245,600), PSOS A.3. (Sh 251,200), PSOS A.4. (Sh 256,800),PSOS A.5. (Sh 262,400), PSOS A.6. (Sh 268,000), PSOS A.7. (Sh 273,500), PSOS A.8. (Sh 279,200), PSOS A.9. (Sh 284,800), PSOS A.10. (Sh 290,400), PSOS A.11. (Sh 296,000), PSOS A.12. (Sh 301,600),PSOS A.13. (Sh 307,200), PSOS A.14. (Sh 312,800), PSOS A.15. (Sh 318,400), PSOS A.16. (Sh324,000), PSOS A.17. (Sh 329,600), na PSOS A.18. (Sh 335,200).
PSOS B.1. (Sh 347,000), PSOS B.2. (Sh 356,500), PSOS B.3. (Sh 366,000), PSOS B.4. (Sh 375,500),PSOS B.5. (Sh 385,000), PSOS B.6. (Sh 394,500), PSOS B.7. (Sh 404,000), PSOS B.8. (Sh 413,500), PSOS B.9. (Sh 423,000), PSOS B.10. (Sh 432,500), PSOS B.11. (Sh 442,000), na PSOS B.12. (Sh 451,500).
PSOS C.1. (Sh 471,000), PSOS C.2. (Sh 482,000),PSOS C.3. (Sh 493,000), PSOS C.4. (Sh 504,000), PSOS C.5. (Sh 515,000), PSOS C.6. (Sh 526,000), PSOS C.7. (Sh537,000), PSOS C.8. (Sh 548,000), PSOS C.9. (Sh 559,000), PSOS C.10. (Sh 570,000), PSOS C.11. (Sh 581,000), na PSOS C.12. (Sh 592,000).
Mshahara Wafanyakazi wenye taaluma mbalimbali Ofisi za Bunge
PSS A. 1. (Sh 249,000), PSS A. 2. (Sh 255,600), PSS A. 3. (Sh 262,200), PSS A. 4. (Sh 268,800), PSS A. 5. (Sh 275,400), PSS A. 6. (Sh 282,000), PSS A. 7. (Sh 288,600), na PSS A. 8. (Sh 295,200).
PSS B. 1. (Sh 311,000), PSS B. 2. (Sh 319,500), PSS B. 3. (Sh 328,000), PSS B. 4. (Sh 336,500), PSS B. 5. (Sh 345,000), PSS B. 6. (Sh353,500), PSS B. 7. (Sh 362,000), PSS B. 8. (Sh 370,500), PSS B. 9. (Sh 379,000), na PSS B. 10. (Sh387,500).
PSS C. 1. (Sh 410,000), PSS C. 2. (Sh 420,000), PSS C. 3. (Sh 430,000), PSS C. 4. (Sh 440,000), PSS C. 5. (Sh 450,000), PSS C. 6. (Sh 460,000), PSS C. 7. (Sh 470,000), PSS C. 8. (Sh 480,000), PSS C. 9. (Sh 490,000), PSS C. 10. (Sh 500,000), PSS C. 11. (Sh 510,000), na PSS C. 12. (Sh 520,000).
PSS D. 1. (Sh 567,000),PSS D. 2.(Sh 578,500),PSS D. 3. (Sh 590,000),PSS D. 4. (Sh 601,500),PSS D. 5. (Sh 613,000),PSS D. 6. (Sh 624,000),PSS D. 7. (Sh 636,000),PSS D. 8. (Sh 647,500),PSS D. 9. (Sh 659,000),PSS D. 10. (Sh 670,500),PSS D. 11. (Sh 682,000), na PSS D. 12. (Sh 693,500).
PSS E. 1. (Sh751,000),PSS E. 2. (Sh 766,500),PSS E. 3. (Sh 782,000),PSS E. 4. (Sh 797,500),PSS E. 5. (Sh 813,000),PSS E. 6. (Sh 828,500),PSS E. 7. (Sh 844,000),PSS E. 8. (Sh 858,500),PSS E. 9. (Sh 875,000),PSS E. 10. (Sh 890,500),PSS E. 11. (Sh 906,000),na PSS E. 12. (Sh 912,500).
PSS F. 1. (Sh 1,003,000),PSS F. 2. (Sh 1,022,000),PSS F. 3. (Sh 1,041,800),PSS F. 4. (Sh 1,061,200),PSS F. 5. (Sh 1,080,600),PSS F. 6. (Sh 1,100,000),PSS F. 7. (Sh 1,119,400),PSS F. 8. (Sh 1,138,800),PSS F. 9. (Sh 1,158,200),PSS F. 10. (Sh 1,177,600),PSS F. 11. (Sh 1,197,000),na PSS F. 12. (Sh 1,216,400).
PSS G. 1. (Sh 1,299,000),PSS G. 2. (Sh 1,324,500),PSS G. 3. (Sh 1,350,000),PSS G. 4. (Sh 1,375,500),PSS G. 5. (Sh 1,401,000),PSS G. 6. (Sh 1,426,500),PSS G. 7. (Sh 1,452,000),PSS G. 8. (Sh 1,477,500),PSS G. 9. (Sh 1,503,000),PSS G. 10. (Sh 1,528,500),PSS G. 11. (Sh 1,554,000),na PSS G. 12. (Sh 1,579,500).
PSS H. 1. (Sh 1,672,000),PSS H. 2. (Sh 1,722,000),PSS H. 3. (Sh 1,772,000),PSS H. 4. (Sh 1,822,000),PSS H. 5. (Sh 1,872,000),PSS H. 6. (Sh 1,922,000),PSS H. 7. (Sh 1,972,000),PSS H. 8. (Sh 2,022,000),PSS H. 9. (Sh 2,072,000),PSS H. 10. (Sh 2,122,000),PSS H. 11. (Sh 2,172,000),na PSS H. 12. (Sh 2,222,000).
PSS I. 1. (Sh 2,317,000),PSS I. 2. (Sh 2,413,000),PSS I. 3. (Sh 2,509,000),na PSS I. 4. (Sh 2,605,000).
PSS J (Sh 2,800,000)
PSS K (Sh 2,900,000)
PSS L (Sh 3,100,000)
Wafanyakazi wa kada ya Wakaguzi katika Ofisi ya Taifa ya Ukaguzi wa Hesabu za Serikali (SAIS)
SAIS A.1. (Sh 249,000), SAIS A.2. (Sh 255,600), SAIS A.3. (Sh 262,200),SAIS A.4. (Sh 268,800), SAIS A.5. (Sh 275,400), SAIS A.6. (Sh 282,000), SAIS A.7. (Sh 288,600), na SAIS A.8. (Sh 295,200)
SAIS B.1. (Sh 311,000), SAIS B.2. (Sh 319,500), SAIS B.3. (Sh 328,000), SAIS B.4. (Sh 336,500), SAIS B.5. (Sh 345,000), SAIS B.6. (Sh 353,500), SAIS B.7. (Sh 362,000), SAIS B.8. (Sh 370,500), SAIS B.9. (Sh 379,000), na SAIS B.10. (Sh 387,500).SAIS C
SAIS C.1. (Sh 410,000), SAIS C.2. (Sh 420,000), SAIS C.3. (Sh 430,000), SAIS C.4. (Sh 440,000), SAIS C.5. (Sh 450,000), SAIS C.6. (Sh 460,000), SAIS C.7. (Sh 470,000), SAIS C.8. (Sh 480,000), SAIS C.9. (Sh 490,000), na SAIS C.10. (Sh 500,000),SAIS C.1.1 (Sh510,000), na SAIS C.12. (Sh 520,000).
SAIS D.1. (Sh567,000), SAIS D.2. (Sh 578,500),SAIS D.3. (Sh 590,000),SAIS D.4. (Sh 601,500),SAIS D.5. (Sh 613,000),SAIS D.6. (Sh 624,500),SAIS D.7. (Sh 636,000),SAIS D.8. (Sh 647,500),SAIS D.9. (Sh 659,000),SAIS D.10. (Sh 670,500),SAIS D.11. (Sh 682,000),SAIS D.12. (Sh 693,500).
SAIS E.1. (Sh 751,000),SAIS E.2. (Sh 766,500),SAIS E.3. (Sh 782,000),SAIS E.4. (Sh 797,500),SAIS E.5. (Sh 813,000),SAIS E.6. (Sh 828,000),SAIS E.7. (Sh 844,000),SAIS E.8. (Sh 859,500),SAIS E.9. (Sh 875,000),SAIS E.10. (Sh 890,500),SAIS E.11. (Sh 906,000),na SAIS E.12. (Sh 912,500).
SAIS F.1. (Sh1,003,000),SAIS F.2. (Sh 1,022,400),SAIS F.3. (Sh 1,041,800),SAIS F.4. (Sh 1,061,200),SAIS F.5. (Sh 1,080,600),SAIS F.6. (Sh 1,100,000),SAIS F.7. (Sh 1,119,400),SAIS F.8. (Sh 1,188,800),SAIS F.9. (Sh 1,158,200),SAIS F.10. (Sh 1,177,600),SAIS F.11. (Sh 1,197,000), na SAIS F.12. (Sh 1,216,400).
SAIS G.1. (Sh1,299,000),SAIS G.2. (Sh 1,324,500),SAIS G.3. (Sh 1,350,000),SAIS G.4. (Sh 1,375,500),SAIS G.5. (Sh 1,401,000),SAIS G.6. (Sh 1,426,500),SAIS G.7. (Sh 1,452,000),SAIS G.8. (Sh 1,477,500),SAIS G.9. (Sh 1,503,000),SAIS G.10. (Sh 1,528,000),SAIS G.11. (Sh 1,554,000),na SAIS G.12. (Sh 1,579,000).
SAIS G.1. (Sh 1,672,000),SAIS G.2. (Sh 1,722,000),SAIS G.3. (Sh 1,772,000),SAIS G.4. (Sh 1,822,000),SAIS G.5. (Sh 1,872,000),SAIS G.6. (Sh 1,922,000),SAIS G.7. (Sh 1,972,000)
The Public Service Commission of Tanzania is an Independent Department in the President’s Office established under Section 9(1) of the Public Service Act No.8 of 2002.
The PSC was established as a part of the Public Service Reforms which were taking place in the country.
Its establishment aimed at unifying the Public Service in terms of employment procedures, rights, status and benefits.
The purpose behind the establishment of the PSC was to improve Performance Management Systems in service delivery as spelt out in the Tanzania Public Service Management and Employment Policy of 1999 as revised in 2008.
The PSC became operational in January, 2004 and its main function, apart from receiving and acting on appeals, is to ensure that employers, appointing and disciplinary authorities in the Public Services comply with the laws, regulations and procedures when discharging their statutory powers relating to the Service.